May 28, 2023

A Look Back At My Experience Homeschooling My Sons

Schooling, Homeschooling, and Unschooling. So many choices. Here are a few tidbits I gleaned when I homeschooled — unschooled my sons through their middle school and high school years.

Can your child reflect the energy of someone else in the room?

Can your child reflect the energy of someone else in the room?
Intentional Conscious Parenting Kids Card Deck

Absolutely they can!
Children are their own little beings. They have good and bad days just like adults do, but they also have the uncanny ability to mirror a person in their environment taking on an energy of anger, fussiness, and discontent. Maybe you've noticed this?

Your Energy Can Impact Your Child's Behavior

🦋 Energy Check! Where are you at this moment? How do you feel inside? What kind of energy are you projecting?

Parenting And Cell Phone Addiction. Tips For Taking Back Control.

Let's be honest with ourselves and each other. Technology and our phones are awesome! We can call, text, Video call, connect with loved ones, make new friends, conduct business, read/listen to a book, watch videos, write blog posts, stay social, listen to music and so much more. All on one device. Pretty cool. 

Even though they are a huge asset to our lives they are also a huge distraction. Sometimes the people we spend the most time with, the ones right in front of us are the ones who suffer. 

May 10, 2023

May's Intentional Conscious Parenting Energetic Tip

Mays energetic parenting tip

Energetic Parenting Tip Alert 🌟

🌸 As parents, we have the power to create a positive and flowing energetic environment for our children.