Intentional Conscious Parenting is a place to share ideas on raising children in an intentional way with a focus on inner connectedness, trusting your intuition, connecting with spirit and Mother Earth, celebrating each child's uniqueness, supporting their inner light, and bringing out their inner creativity. If our blog resonates with you please sign up as a follower and subscribe to our newsletter. Thank you for joining us on the path of conscious parenting and living our lives on purpose!
May 28, 2023
Energetic Hygiene
A Look Back At My Experience Homeschooling My Sons
Schooling, Homeschooling, and Unschooling. So many choices. Here are a few tidbits I gleaned when I homeschooled — unschooled my sons through their middle school and high school years.
Can your child reflect the energy of someone else in the room?
Your Energy Can Impact Your Child's Behavior
🦋 Energy Check! Where are you at this moment? How do you feel inside? What kind of energy are you projecting?
Parenting And Cell Phone Addiction. Tips For Taking Back Control.
May 10, 2023
May's Intentional Conscious Parenting Energetic Tip
🌸 As parents, we have the power to create a positive and flowing energetic environment for our children.
Apr 23, 2023
Five Ways to Show Mom You Appreciate Her on Mother's Day
Mother's Day is a special day to celebrate and honor the woman who gave us life, nurtured us, and taught us valuable life lessons. It is a day to show our love and appreciation for everything our moms have done for us. While it may be easy to give your mom a simple card or flowers, there are many other ways to show your appreciation. This article will provide five ideas for adults, children, husbands, and grown children to show their appreciation on Mother's Day.
Apr 20, 2023
Apr 18, 2023
Celebrating Earth Day: A Guide for Parents
Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22nd, and it's a day to acknowledge the beauty and importance of our planet. As parents, it's important to teach our children to respect and protect the environment. In this post, we'll share ways to celebrate Earth Day with your family.
Apr 14, 2023
Raising Healthy And Happy Chickens As A Family
Are you considering raising chickens with your children? It's a fun and rewarding activity that can teach your kids important life skills while providing fresh eggs for your family. In this post, we'll discuss the benefits of raising chickens with children and provide tips for getting started.
Apr 3, 2023
10 Steps To Eating More Sustainably As A Family
We all have to eat. Sometimes feeding a family, especially during tough financial times, and living a sustainable lifestyle can become challenging. Here are ten steps to get you started.
Mar 28, 2023
My Observations Of Teenagers From Working In A Doctors Office For 30 Years.
Just some random thoughts I thought I'd share from many years of observation while working in a doctor's office.
I am always observing in the office how interesting it is to me to watch when a parent comes in with their teenager for their doctor's appointment.