Here is Maureen's newest article. I was so moved by it I just had to share it with all of you! Love to all, Carol
"Earthquakes, Earth and You"
Maureen Moss
Dearest Hearts,
As always I pray you are well.
For the past several days I have been awakened around 4:00AM to just sit and be still (not write) and contemplate where we are as a species and as a planet, and what it means to watch, not just realize, that the world as we have known it is ending with a big bang, just as it began.
I'd thought about writing, many an early morning as so much awareness and feelings were coming up at rapid speed, but realized I needed to feel into all of the feelings before doing so. I have had so many conflicting feelings I wasn't certain which were mine, which were from the mass consciousness and which were as a result of all of the geophysical activity.
I soon realized they were all mine. There was no separation or parceling it out. I was to be with all of it.
One minute tension, the next tears. Confusion followed by clarity, peace followed by unrest, feeling raw and then feeling like a butterfly must feel when it's first drying off and begins to realize it is about to begin a brand new existence. Where to fly first?
For me, I wasn't quite sure what to do, how to be, or what to think. I was all over the boards, and just needed to be, without judgment about myself until I landed somewhere. And then came the monstrous earthquake, and I seemed to land.
When the earthquake in Japan hit with such velocity, the only thing I could think about was how brave my brothers and sisters across the globe were to have complied, at some level, to help the rest of the world wake up (again) more fully to the only thing that matters, love, and to the only expression that will get us from one world to the next, love.
Though this certainly wasn't the first event attempting to garner our attention, it was a massive one that could not and cannot be ignored, with more to come. We will be reminded over and over and over again until we get that the only reason we are here, is to love.
Though there are rumors that Japan's earthquake was "man-made," and others, that reported otherwise, it's irrelevant to a large degree and another distraction. At the end of the day, it's still about us that are left standing in the moment, being made ready to be birthed into a completely different life, where love rules above and beyond all else.