Showing posts with label practicing mindfulness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label practicing mindfulness. Show all posts

Sep 3, 2023

September's Intentional Conscious Parenting Tip: Guiding Kids Through a Changing World

September conscious parenting tip: creating a safe space

September's Intentional Conscious Parenting Tip: Guiding Kids Through a Changing World

September. The air begins to hold a hint of autumn's crispness, the leaves begin their slow transition into a blend of colors, and our children are adjusting to a new academic year. But this September isn't just about the changing seasons or back-to-school/homeschooling routines. It's about facing a world that feels different, a world that may seem more chaotic and unbalancing for some parents and their children.

News headlines scream of climate change, political unrest, and public health crises. The uncertainty and fear that you may feel can easily seep into your parenting, creating an atmosphere of anxiety in your home. But it doesn't have to be this way. As parents, we have the power to create a safe space for our children and be able to guide them through these turbulent times with grace and resilience. This is where intentional conscious parenting comes in.

Intentional conscious parenting is about being present, mindful, and deliberate in our interactions with our kids. It's about fostering an environment of safety, understanding, and open communication. 

Our September’s Intentional Conscious Parenting Tip is about helping our kids navigate the changing world without transferring our fears onto them. 

Jul 9, 2023

July's Intentional Conscious Parenting Tip: Mindfulness and Presence

 Mindfulness and Presence: The Art of Being in the Now

Julys conscious parenting tip

As parents, one of the most precious gifts we can give our children is the practice of mindfulness and the ability to be present in the moment. In a world where attention is constantly being pulled in different directions, teaching our children to be present can help them focus, reduce stress, and enhance their emotional well-being.