Showing posts with label energetics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label energetics. Show all posts

Apr 13, 2014

A Fun Color Breathing Activity To Do With Your Children To Charge, Clear and Balance Their Energy Fields.

(An example of handy colored items found around the house.)

Color Breathing With Your Children.

Here is a fun simple color breathing activity to do with your child to clear, charge and balance their energy field. 

You are going to need a container to hold your colored objects. A plastic bowl, bucket or basket will work just fine. Next, gather 7-10 colored objects. Choose any color you would like such as blue, green, yellow, Indigo, purple, rose, gold or white. The colored objects can simply be colored paper, pieces of cloth, toys or handy items found around the house. Together with your children choose the colors you will be using and send everyone on a scavenger hunt to find items of these colors.

Nov 9, 2012

Feeling Thin Skinned? Over Exposed And Super Sensitive?

Feeling thin skinned? over sensitive? Your not alone. I'm hearing about it in all directions. People are impatient, over sensitive and over stimulated. Lives are being turned upside down right now.

Is it a sign of the times? I feel it very well could be. We are In a stage of deep individual and planetary growth. A time of faster frequencies and rapid manifestation. The time of truth is upon us.

Stop for a minute and think about all those around you. Are they grounded, balanced, comfortable with their life right now? Majority are not. We all just came through an election with a magnitude of bombarding information. Some have experienced hurricane Sandy physically and some energetically.