Showing posts with label emotions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label emotions. Show all posts

May 4, 2015

Temper Tantrums ~ An Opportunity To Teach Your Child How To Process Emotions

Temper Tantrums ~ An Opportunity to Teach Your Child How to Process Emotions

By Yvonne Perry

Empathy and intuition gives us the ability to better understand how we are connected to other living things. It is a form of communication with others, nature, animals, and even higher or spiritual forms of life. We are all born with empathic ability but most of us shut the sensing ability down at some point either because the energy overload causes discomfort or we are taught not to trust our inner guidance. By shutting down our intuition and empathic ability, we live in our heads and are pretty much out of touch with our body and our own emotions.

Apr 30, 2015

Thoughts and emotions have a huge impact on our bodies.

Raising children in an intentional inspired way is fast becoming a goal of many parents.

Parenting is not an easy job but in my opinion it's the best job anyone could ever have. The children of today are the future of tomorrow. Today we have so many more tools available and so much more knowledge than when our parents were raising us. Such as the fact that our thoughts and emotions have a huge impact on our bodies. Author Dr. Bruce Lipton's research shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts. Teaching children how to connect with what they are feeling is a valuable tool. So much of our society is based on shutting down our feelings and just dealing with life. That old saying "Just suck it up" can come back to haunt you. This can be a very harsh way of being. When we don't work through our feelings and emotions we can easily bury them inside our bodies and not even realize it creating many health problems later.

Mar 14, 2012

7 Tips: How Does Emotional Abuse Damage Children's Self-Esteem? Part 2

By Michael David Lawrience 

Previously, I gave the 1st three tips in

1. Emotional RepressionFeel and express your feelings in healthy ways.
2. Emotional ViolenceHeal your own inner child.
3. Parents Use Children to Satisfy Their Own NeedsStrengthen your self-esteem.

Emotional abuse includes verbal violence and the lack of positive emotional support. Abusers control, criticize, demean, ignore, make children less then, powerless, and victims.

So how does emotional abuse damage a child’s self-esteem?

Part 2 gives the remaining four tips:

4. Parents Lacking Ability to Meet Dependency Needs
As young children we need physical touch and emotional warmth from our parents. As children we depend on this to develop trust, connection, and a strong sense of self, core self-esteem.
My mother received little touch and warmth for her Russian parents. In addition, her mother died when my mother was still young. My mother then became the caretaker mom for her dad and six other siblings. As I mentioned before I also had an emotionally absent father.
I grew up mistrusting others and most of all mistrusting myself. I lacked confidence. I always wanted to know how to do any new project before I did it, figure it out first.
Tip: Learn how to strengthen your self-esteem over time. See The Self-Esteem Workbook by Glenn R. Schiraldi.

5. Feelings Denied

Jan 25, 2012

7 Tips: How Does Emotional Abuse Damage Children's Self-Esteem By Michael Lawrience

healing emotional abuse
7 Tips: How Does Emotional Abuse Damage Children’s Self-Esteem? Part 1

Did you know the effects of childhood abuse can last a lifetime? Emotional abuse includes verbal violence and the lack of positive emotional support. Ab-users control, criticize, demean, ignore, make children less then, powerless, and victims. Abuse robs children of the ability to trust, healthy psychological development, and high self-esteem. These children enter adulthood with a sense of inadequacy never feeling good enough. They fall into patterns of victimhood and powerlessness. Did you know physical abuse almost always involves emotional abuse? So how does emotional abuse damage a child’s self-esteem?

Self Esteem                                                                                                  

1. Emotional Repres-sion
Feelings denied or unacceptable in a family and unexpressed by a child became repressed. Children resist feeling by tensing muscles, shallow breathing, and repeating internal critical self-talk. They in essence numb themselves which I did as a child, teenager, and adult. I ran constant records of self-talk like, I have nothing to say. I falsely believed myself to be the lowest man on the totem pole in terms of self-worth. Limiting the expression of our feelings and also the creation of false beliefs erodes our self-esteem, as it did mine. Tip: Learn to feel and express your feelings in healthy ways. Examine your critical self-talk and choose to change it. See Self-Esteem: A Proven Program of Cognitive Techniques for Assessing, Improving, and Maintaining Your Self-Esteem by Patrick Fanning and Matthew McKay. inner child healing                                                                             

2. Emotional Violence
This violence stated to be prevalent in most physical abuse stunts our psychological devel-opment as children. My parents verbal yelling and fighting with each other over my fathers constant drinking violated my family’s emotional well being. I knew unconsciously as a child that if I spoke up or stood up to my father he would physi-cally beat me. For survival I shut down the expression of my feelings, retreated inside my-self, and became the invisible lost child. As an adult I felt different and separate from any group I joined. As a result of my parents emotional violence, I attracted women who verbally belated and criticized me for my lack of emotional expression. They reinforced my feeling of inadequacy. Tips: Learn to parent and heal your own inner child. See Healing The Child Within: Discovery and Recovery for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families by Charles Whitfield M.D. emotional health              

3. Parents Use Children to Satisfy Their Own Needs
A healthy parent reflects back as a mirror a child’s behavior and feelings in a positive way. This builds and validates the child’s core of self-esteem. Some parents, however, use a child to validate their own narcissistic needs. This type of parent has little or no awareness of the child’s needs. They also have little ability to mirror back to the child. The child then gives up some or all of their needs for the parent. This parent never ac-knowledges when a child does something right or praises them. Children build their self-esteem through positive reinforcement from their parents. With my father physically absence when he drank and emotionally absence even when physically around, I unconsciously as the eldest, took on the male role for my mother. I give up my core being and become the codependent caretaker. Tips: Learn recovery methods for codependent behavior. See Emotional Health: The Secret for Freedom from Drama, Trauma, and Pain by Michael David La-wrience. 

Do you know someone who has suffered emotional abuse as a child? See 7 Tips: How Does Emotional Abuse Damage Children’s Self-Esteem? Part 2 for the other 4 Tips next week. Michael David Lawrience is giving away free 50-pages of his book, The Secret for Freedom from Drama, Trauma, & Pain. His complete book gives more ways to improve your emotional health, chronic pain management, emotional healing, stress release, and ways to heal emotional abuse. This article may be reproduced with a live link back to

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May 13, 2010

Experience Your Good Now!

I'm so excited to share with you Louise Hay's new book.
"Experience Your Good Now".
Louise L. Hay is hands down one most favorite authors. She has taught me and Stacy both the power of our thoughts and how they affect our bodies.
For many years we have referred to her book "You can heal your life".
She is an amazing woman who followed her intuition and will leave an incredible legacy. She has simplified the tools for you to use to work on your subconscious and conscious mind to change your life.

Take the tools you learn from Louise's inspiring new book and teach them to your children now while they are younger and soaking up every little thing you say and do. They truely are learning their core beliefs from you and whomever they are surrounded by. You can also use these tools to help yourself and others that may come to you for help in changing their lives.

Hay House, Inc. 180x150

In this delightful book, Louise L. Hay discusses the power and importance of affirmations and shows you how to apply them right now!

Louise explains that when you state an affirmation, you're really saying to your subconscious mind: "I am taking responsibility. I am aware that there is something I can do to change."

Within these pages, Louise discusses specific topics and concerns (health, fearful emotions, addictions, prosperity issues, love and intimacy, and more) and presents exercises that show you how to make beneficial changes to virtually every area of your life.

On the enclosed CD, Louise offers you helpful information about affirmations that you can also use to your benefit. She recommends that you listen to the CD at any time of the day or night—whenever you'd like positive thoughts and ideas to permeate your consciousness and fill you with hope and joy.

Louise L. Hay, the author of the international bestseller You Can Heal Your Life, is a metaphysical lecturer and teacher with more than 40 million books sold worldwide. For more than 25 years, Louise has helped people throughout the world discover and implement the full potential of their own creative powers for personal growth and self-healing. Louise is the founder and chairman of Hay House, Inc., which disseminates books, CDs, DVDs, and other products that contribute to the healing of the planet.

Experience Your Good Now! By Louise Hay

Namaste, Carol Lawrence