What if we taught our children to have respect and appreciation for the food that they are eating. For the plants they are consuming. For the value of the planet we are living on. Demonstrating a balanced world of giving and taking. As consumers we mostly take and do not give back to our planet. Some ways you can teach your children to be interconnected to thier environment are:
*Take them out in nature as much as possible, on hikes, walks, camping trips, nature museums, parks. While you are there acknowledge the trees, birds, insects. Have them listen to the sounds they hear. Have them smell the air. Can they feel the wind on their faces or is it calm outside. What does it feel like inside of them? Do they feel calm or excited. This is a great time to begin or refresh tools on intuition.
*Take a vacation to a National Park. Try and encourage a little quiet time in nature. Go on a scavenger hunt. Give your child a little list of things to feel with you and only use signals or expressions to communicate. Your list could include for them to mark down when they've heard a bird sing, felt a breeze, smelled a flower, found a stick, saw a wild animal, etc. Look around you and be creative.