Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts

Mar 6, 2012

Review: Frequency The Power Of Personal Vibration By Penney Peirce

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." ~ Harold Whitman

Frequency the Power of Personal Vibration By Penney Pierce 

Book includes free audio downloads to assist you on your journey.

Frequency The Power of Personal Vibration By Penney Peirce is a manual for living an energetically intuned life! Learn how to "feel" your way through life "frequency" by "frequency."

Penney's new book embraces a new way of experiencing life as a vibrational being.

"When you start using senses you've neglected, your reward is to see the world with completely fresh eyes." ~ Barbara Sher

"You might find that heightened empathy--the sense of loving the light within others and feeling connected because of it - helps you know what exactly people need, even before they do" ~ Penney Peirce

What a gift Penney Peirce gives her readers. Instructions on how to "activate your diamond light body." This should be made into a poster. Penney describes your diamond light body, how to step into it, activate it, maintain it and put it to use. This is a priceless gift.

"Transformation literally means going beyond your form." ~ Wayne Dyer

Have you ever wondered how your feeling habits were developed?

Oct 20, 2011

How are you feeling during this time of unrest around the world.

'man-relaxing-in-the-grass_8954-480x359' photo (c) 2010, Emilian Robert Vicol - license:

How are you feeling during this time of frustration and unrest taking place around the world right now? Are you still able to find your zen?

We are in mid October, the season of fall. It's refreshing, full of brilliant colors and stimulating scents. The kids are back in school or back on their home-school schedules. Life is rolling along.

Even though the scenery is stunning and the air is filled with change, there's an underlying feeling of restlessness.

We are wondering how you are feeling. Are your kids aware of what's going on and do you talk about it with them.

Are you nervous about 2012? We wrote an article about 2012 awhile back that we feel is relevant to revisit now.

2012 ~ The Beginning. There are two parts so be sure to read them both.

We want you to know we are here to discuss the planetary and inner personal shifts everyone is going through. Feel free to share you fears, feelings and thoughts on the matter.

The time that's been spoken about is here. A time of transparency, a time when the Indigo's and Crystals can no longer tolerate the road that's been laid before them to be the norm. A time of great challenges and great change. We personally are looking forward to the change. It's not always easy but it is needed. Reach out to your like minded friends, surround yourself with positive people, focus on what you really want to create in your life and get ready to embrace all that is. This is an incredible time to be alive on planet earth. It is no accident that you are here at this time. There are two main streams of consciousness right now. A stream of fear which can lead to much stress and uncertainty. The second stream is love based on trust and faith that change is needed but an inner knowing it will all work it's self out in the end.

When we choose to tap into and participate in the stream of love, we are aware of what's going on but choose to stay grounded and keep it all in perspective. It's a great idea to create healthy boundaries and limit how much news and negativity you expose yourself and your children to. How do you stay balanced? Connected?

Embrace the shift in energy and the acceleration of intuitive skills and connection to source.

Thanks for reading our blog and for choosing a path of intentional conscious parenting.

Namaste, Carol and Stacy

What is 2012?  "A movement from what was to what is.
Children will absorb this in a way we do not understand, for it
will simply be their world. It would be ignorant to try and shield them of this change." Read the rest of the article here!

Jul 15, 2010

2012-The Beginning Part Two

This is the second half to our first post called
2012-The Beginning Part One
We recommend reading the fist part then clicking the link to read the second half.

2012 -The beginning or the end?
Enjoy! Celebrate the end!
How can you begin the new chapter in your life if you don't celebrate or close the last chapter?
Humanity as a whole and or individually are closing this chapter in this universal book. Only to be starting the next chapter in humanities creation.

With every breath that you take there is a continuous process that is taking place. Each thought, feeling, footprint and action that takes place puts you right in the middle of the creation process. Honor this!
You are creating your own train track. You can remain in the eye of the hurricane as turmoil and old belief systems are crumbling around you.
You can choose to dance between the raindrops. There are those who came here at this time to experience this progressive shift, while some call this Armageddon some call this:
  • A new Earth
  • A new chapter in humanity.
  • A celebration
  • Raising of the collective consciousness.
We can choose to walk in this world with blindfolds on or eyes wide open.

Evidence is reality.

What does 2012 mean to you?
Do you have fears or worries surrounding 2012?
Are you passing on your fears and worries to your kids?
How are you creating your own train track?
Please feel free to comment and dialogue about what 2012 means to you.

Written by Stacy Toten & Carol Lawrence

Apr 20, 2010

2012 The Beginning..Part One

2012 The beginning-Part One

This is what 2012 is. A movement from what was to what is.
Children will absorb this in a way we do not understand, for it
will simply be their world. It would be ignorant to try and shield them of this change.

Many choose the old beliefs and cling to these beliefs.
There is no future there.
The future is armageddon for the old beliefs.
That is not the humanity that needs saving.
These things are what will save humanity.
  • Love
  • Peace
  • Joy
  • Harmony
  • Togetherness
Not life rafts and shelters.

Spread Joy!

The beginning has to come from the end of something.
It is said at this time many are angry.
This vibration is anchored in a decaying system that does not by evidence, proven does not foster what is needed for the future. Destroying is caused by disconnect from the creation.
Honor all and you will be involved in this creation from the trees to the animals to  your climate to your clan.
Find direction in this change. It is there.
  • Wisdom is in direction.
  • Direction is in purpose.
  • Purpose is in determination.
Which is the manifestation of thought. We feel this should be the center piece of life at this time.
For what is will not be. Change is constant.
As we always say follow your intuition!

Be sure to continue with 2012-The Beginning Part Two for the complete article.

Written by: Stacy Toten and Carol Lawrence