Oct 17, 2013

Let There Be Peace On Earth And Let It Begin With Me!

Recently Stacy's daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter took a fieldtrip to The RedSun Labyrinth in Victor Montana. She came home, full of life. Her spirit was lit up. She was totally balanced and grounded from connecting with the vibration and energy of the Labyrinth. She couldn't stop talking about all the fun she had. While at the Labyrinth she walked in silence through the spiral maze tuning into and feeling the energy.
When they were leaving, the conversation she was having with her mom and dad was quite extraordinary. It carried all the way to grandma Stacy's house where she preceded to paint several pictures as if she was an artist and had done this many of times. When she got done she explained the paintings she had done and everyone of them had a deep spiritual explanation behind them. We were all quite flabbergasted. You could really feel spirit and the ancestors coming through her and all around us. What a remarkable day this was for all!

Have you witnessed a similar experience with any children in your life? Please share.

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