Mar 19, 2011

"Earthquakes, Earth and You" By Maureen Moss

Here is Maureen's newest article. I was so moved by it I just had to share it with all of you! Love to all, Carol

"Earthquakes, Earth and You"
Maureen Moss

Dearest Hearts,

As always I pray you are well.

For the past several days I have been awakened around 4:00AM to just sit and be still (not write) and contemplate where we are as a species and as a planet, and what it means to watch, not just realize, that the world as we have known it is ending with a big bang, just as it began.

I'd thought about writing, many an early morning as so much awareness and feelings were coming up at rapid speed, but realized I needed to feel into all of the feelings before doing so. I have had so many conflicting feelings I wasn't certain which were mine, which were from the mass consciousness and which were as a result of all of the geophysical activity.

I soon realized they were all mine. There was no separation or parceling it out. I was to be with all of it.

One minute tension, the next tears. Confusion followed by clarity, peace followed by unrest, feeling raw and then feeling like a butterfly must feel when it's first drying off and begins to realize it is about to begin a brand new existence. Where to fly first?

For me, I wasn't quite sure what to do, how to be, or what to think. I was all over the boards, and just needed to be, without judgment about myself until I landed somewhere. And then came the monstrous earthquake, and I seemed to land.

When the earthquake in Japan hit with such velocity, the only thing I could think about was how brave my brothers and sisters across the globe were to have complied, at some level, to help the rest of the world wake up (again) more fully to the only thing that matters, love, and to the only expression that will get us from one world to the next, love.

Though this certainly wasn't the first event attempting to garner our attention, it was a massive one that could not and cannot be ignored, with more to come. We will be reminded over and over and over again until we get that the only reason we are here, is to love.

Though there are rumors that Japan's earthquake was "man-made," and others, that reported otherwise, it's irrelevant to a large degree and another distraction. At the end of the day, it's still about us that are left standing in the moment, being made ready to be birthed into a completely different life, where love rules above and beyond all else.

This earthquake is about every one of us, not just those that fell in the quake. Right now prayers for Japan are not enough, though by all means necessary. We must pray and send love and healing Light, and then we must go deeper than each.

We must look to ourselves. Every single one of us is being positioned to be the change we wish to see in the world. How will we be different? What will you do differently in this new life? What poisons and toxins, discontent and story will we each transmute that still lurks in the shadows? How humble are we willing to become to transmute our own disassociation and discord, with love?

We are the regenerators, the guiding forces behind a new reality.

Understandably we are all fixated on the reports of where the next quake will hit and what to do to prepare, however there is more. Much more. Once prepared to take care of our needs, and the basic needs for our families and animals, we must turn our attention to love at a level we have never participated in before.

Love is the reason we all came to this Planet at this time. That is something we can all understand that connects us all, besides the God of our understanding. In the beginning we were One, then we split apart to have experience, and now we are being glued back together again.

As we all know by now we are standing on the threshold between worlds. Please take a moment to ask yourself what does that mean to you? What does that mean, besides yippee a whole new world is about to emerge? We must go deeper than that.

As I write this, I am living in one of the states that has been predicted will be hit by a massive earthquake within the next week. I have taken a breath, and noticed I am not afraid; actually that is the least of my concerns, perhaps oddly enough.

Yesterday, I calmly went out to get supplies, should this occur, though I did so with an eye on everyone else, as they too gathered their supplies.

I looked at each one that I passed or was near in the Coop market through a different lens of perception, my heart. I watched and then quietly sent a stream of love to each. These are my brothers and sisters. These people, many of whose names I don't know, as I have lived very quietly here, matter to me, really matter to me. What can I do, I asked myself, to show them love after 10 years of living in the same town with them, and not even knowing many of their names?

Someone randomly came up to me who happened to be the very first person that I met 10 years ago here. He looked at me deeply before he spoke. And then he said, "You're different somehow. You're not in a "blur." How interesting I thought, that I had been seen as a "blur." No offense was taken at all, and none was meant. I understood it.

I have put my nose to the grindstone and worked so hard and fast for so long, I must indeed be a blur to many. We chatted a bit longer, talked about the earthquake that is reported to occur here and gave each other a big hug, for the very first time. We meant it.

I finished gathering what I came for and my attention turned toward one person in particular. We were both directly across from each other at the check out registers. I knew her name, and I also knew that she had been ill for quite some time, and recently went back to work, part-time. I knew that financially things must be tight for her. Just watching how she scanned her wallet to pay for her items, let me know that. One can learn a lot, by simply noticing.

Without thought, I walked over to her register with my debit card in hand and swiped it to pay for her purchases. I said nothing and I needed no response though she thanked me profusely. We looked at each other, with loving tears in both of our eyes, hugged each other and I walked back to my register, paid for my purchases and left.

I noticed that my heart that had been aching for weeks was exploding with love, finally. Not that there wasn't love before, but this was a new love, a sincere, 'there is only one of us love.' It was different. I always knew that, I haven't always felt that.

The ride home was deeply silent. I looked at every mountain differently, every house, every person and dog that walked the edges of the road. I felt as though I were bursting a seal that had been on my heart for a very long time.

I heard the God of my knowing gently say to me, in part "it's taken you a long time Maureen to let go of your conditional heart. You have held on to your heart and the way you loved as you warred your way from one life into another. It was understandable, before. Now, it is not acceptable.

Your planet and all of humanity is birthing Love right now, in spite of the fact that everything is shattering in front of your very eyes. Do you understand that? You are all birthing Love.

If you notice, it has gone beyond job loss, and foreclosures. As a collective you were ready. Everything on the Earth plane is in reverse to Truth. There had to be a grand fall for a new evolutionary possibility and you are in the midst of it.

Evolution slows down for no one, and it touches everyone. All of humanity must now reach into new fields of consciousness as you have just personally experienced. Each one of you are tasked with severing your relationship to the genetic template of human consciousness and the trite justifications for it. This is what Jeshua meant when he said, "the wheat will be separated from the chaff." The time is upon you, now.

Everything will continue to shatter, break, blowup and fall down until the only thing left is love. This was all part of the Divine plan. It was not meant to hurt anyone. It is meant to heal everyone, in due time. Many were determined to play their role, well, and they are safe with Me.

There is only One of you. There is only Love and as One Love, your deep realization and permanent shifts of perspective will occur out of the burning embers on your earth.

When it all falls apart, you will all come together. Tell everyone you know to buy their supplies, find their ways to be as safe in the world external as possible, though above all else to blatantly show their love to each other in every moment. Many on your Planet will only be here for a short time. No one knows who will stay and who will go. Wouldn't it be appropriate now to freely give your love to everyone?

Love like you've never loved before. Restrict yourself from nothing. Love everything and every One. Crack your own hearts wide open and put yourself in your rightful place in order that you will have a greater understanding of the events of a yet untold history.

There is a promise that has been written for all of you. Some may say it was written in the stars, though it was written in your story.

You will rise beyond your wildest imaginings. You will awaken to your hidden goodness, you will share joy and love with each other in an honorable, Divine and desirable manner, and you will be held in the arms of My Love, as you move from one reality into another. That has always been My promise.

And so it is that wherever the Earth quakes next, the waters rise or the mountains spew, remember what is most important and be the grandest expression of Love you can imagine yourself to be. Better yet, act as you think I might, and love as you imagine I love."

Wherever you are, know you are loved and watched over.

I love you my brothers and sisters. I love you will my full heart. I am grateful to be waking up with all of you and knowing I am a part of all of you.

Copyright 2011, Maureen Moss. Please pass this to all you know it will serve, keeping article intact and with name, and websites.

If you desire a private session, please visit the Powerful Living link on our Home Page, for details. And then, please e-mail your name, phone number and time zone if you would like a private session, to

I wish you each love, joy, blessings, clarity and abundance.
May Grace follow you wherever you go. Know you are loved!


Maureen Moss

President of The World Puja Network, LLC


Dee said...

Carol and Stacy,

Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful articles. After keeping up with the news last night, I came online looking for something. I still don't know what it is, but I found it after reading this article. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and those of others.


Carol Lawrence And Stacy Toten said...

Dee your so very welcome! There's a lot going on in the world and a lot more to come. That's why we are sharing. We are choosing the route of peace not fear and we hope to spread calmness anywhere possible. There's no accidents that's why you were guided to our website.
Namaste, Carol