Apr 30, 2010

An Important Life Tool Everyone Could Be Using.

An important life tool everyone could be using.

Are you teaching your child to have a relationship with their inner voice?

Do you have a relationship with your inner voice?

The benefits of this vital tool (learning how to listen to your inner voice) can carry you through your lifetime.
Ask yourself these questions to tap into your inner voice.
Tapping into your inner voice or intuition is the ability to access and respond to information coming from the subtle energy fields around us including our higher selves, spirits, angels, nature, signs from "Divine Guidance" or "Source Energy"

1. What are you feeling?
2. How are you feeling?
3. Are you even having a feeling?
By tuning into your inner feelings you are able to learn how to decifer what your gut instincts are trying to tell you.

Your inner voice you have within you is your own inner guidance system.
It is available 24/7. It is up to us to utilize this gift. Every human being on this planet is born with this ability. This ability can be recognized by many different names such as:

Sixth Sense
Gut Instinct
Inner Awareness

Are you tuned in or are you tuned out?

When you are tuned out and unable to listen, your feelings are shut off!

Part of being tuned out could feel like your out of balance, things are just not jiving, something just feels a little off. You are not in the flow of manifesting what you truely want in your life. It is very hard to connect with your inner voice if you are tuned out.

What is your experience? What has happened in your life when you listened to your inner voice?
What about when you weren't listening? (We would love for you to share with us, how trusting your inner voice has made a difference in your life)

By: Stacy Toten & Carol Lawrence
Revised edition. April 30th, 2010
Divine IntuitionNatural-Born Intuition: How to Awaken and Develop Your Inner Wisdom101 Ways to Jump Start Your Intuition

1 comment:

Veronica Lee said...

Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog.

Have a nice day!